Obtaining an API key for the GitHub API

Obtaining an API key for the GitHub API

Oct 28, 2019

This tutorial demonstrates how to retrieve credentials on GitHub developer website for use with the GitHub API. This tutorial covers (i) creating your application; (ii) retrieving your OAuth 2.0 client ID and client secret; as well as (iii) configuring your application scopes.

Steps to follow:

  1. Sign in to your GitHub account - https://github.com/
  2. In your account settings, open the "Developer settings" section - https://github.com/settings/apps
  3. Click on "New GitHub App"
  4. Fill the form with application details
  5. In the "User authorization callback URL", provide the following `https://int.bearer.sh/v2/auth/callback`
  6. Select the permissions you want to have access to
  7. That's it!

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