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Human Psychology on Immediate Threats | Bec McKeown

Bec McKeown explains how the brain prioritizes immediate threats by filtering out irrelevant information. She discusses how various situations, such as sudden realizations or encountering a ransomware attack, trigger physiological reactions like palpitations, sweating, and a sense of dread. Bec McKeown also mentions how during intense moments like a car accident, the brain's cognitive processes make time seem to slow down as it focuses solely on the threat, excluding all other details. This phenomenon is referred to as cognitive narrowing.

Fight, Flight, or Freeze | The Human Psychology of Security

Bec McKeown explains the intricate process of how this tiny brain structure, the amygdala, sends chemical signals down the spinal cord to the adrenal gland, resulting in the production of adrenaline. Explore the intriguing phenomenon of the freeze response and how it relates to the delicate balance between heightened adrenaline and reduced rationality. Learn about the evolutionary significance of this mechanism, which once helped our ancestors escape from saber-toothed tigers but now responds to various modern threats.

Cognitive Fitness: Cybersecurity Perspective on Complex VUCA Environments

Cybersecurity is a dynamic, ever-evolving space where traditional approaches often fall short. To thrive in this environment, one must cultivate the ability to think differently and harness cognitive skills to a higher degree than in many other fields. Bec McKeown emphasizes cognitive fitness through the lens of the cybersecurity realm's complex VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) environment.

The Human Psychology Behind Cybersecurity with Bec McKeown

Welcome to Razorwire, the podcast that explores the intricate world of cybersecurity. I'm Jim, your host, and on this episode, we have a fascinating guest joining us: Bec McKeown, a renowned expert in the psychology behind security. This episode is a must-listen for cybersecurity professionals for three key reasons: Firstly, Bec delves into the challenges of conducting investigations and spotting deception in the cybersecurity field. Her insights will equip you with the tools to identify suspicious behaviour, such as stealing or leaking sensitive information.

Penetration Testing and Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

In this enlightening discussion with expert Paul Dwyer, we explore the changing landscape of penetration testing within the context of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). Paul addresses the concern of traditional, snapshot-in-time penetration testing being costly and asks whether this will drive organizations towards more regular and ongoing testing to enhance security. The answer is a resounding "yes." DORA includes a dedicated section that mandates various types of tests, ranging from standard assessments to highly specific threat lab penetration testing.

Organizational Resilience: Insights from Paul Dwyer on DORA

Discover the critical components of organizational resilience with expert Paul Dwyer in this enlightening discussion centered around the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). Paul emphasizes the fundamental aspect of resilience, which revolves around rigorous testing, learning from those tests, and implementing improvements. It's about proving that you've not only conducted tests but have also adapted and grown from the experience.

DORA Act: Understanding Criminal Penalties with Paul Dwyer

Join us in this eye-opening discussion with renowned expert Paul Dwyer as we delve into the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) and its potential criminal penalties. Paul sheds light on the accuracy of claims regarding potential prison sentences under DORA. Indeed, the legislation includes provisions for criminal penalties, making it essential for organizations to fully grasp its implications.

DORA: Digital Operational Resilience Act w/ Paul Dwyer

Paul Dwyer on how DORA or Digital Operational Resilience Act affects organizations in the EU. GUEST BIOS Paul C Dwyer Paul C Dwyer stands among the world’s leading cybersecurity, risk, and compliance authorities. As CEO of Cyber Risk International, he excels in corporate and enterprise security, crafting cyber defence programs, and safeguarding business operations for clients. He also serves as the founder and President of the ICTTF International Cyber Threat Task Force, leading a community of over 30,000 professionals in their mission to combat cyber threats and promote industry diversity.

DORA Act: Cybersecurity Is An Investment | Paul Dwyer

Paul Dwyer talks about cybersecurity as an investment. The Digital Operational Resilience Act, or DORA, is set to redefine the landscape of digital security and operational resilience. In this video, we explore the key provisions and implications of DORA, which aims to strengthen the cybersecurity framework across the European Union. GUEST BIOS.

The DORA Act: Transforming Digital Operational Resilience in Cybersecurity

The Digital Operational Resilience Act, or DORA, is set to redefine the landscape of digital security and operational resilience. In this video, we explore the key provisions and implications of DORA, which aims to strengthen the cybersecurity framework across the European Union.