What is Virtualization in Cloud Computing

What is Virtualization in Cloud Computing

Virtualization refers to the creation of a simulated version of a device or resource, such as a server, desktop, storage device, operating system, or network resource, rather than an actual physical version. In simpler terms, virtualization is a strategy that enables multiple users and organizations to share a single physical instance of a resource or application. This is achieved by assigning a logical name to a physical resource and providing a pointer to that resource when needed.

The primary concept behind virtualization is hardware virtualization – the process of creating a virtual machine on top of an existing operating system and hardware. A virtual machine offers an environment logically independent from the underlying hardware. The device on which the virtual machine is created is called the Host Machine, while the virtual machine itself is known as the Guest Machine.

Characteristics of Virtualization include:

  1. Managed Resources: Cloud providers fully manage the virtual machines or other resources delivered from the cloud. This means that users only need to specify their requirements without worrying about hardware and configuration maintenance. Cloud providers handle everything from hardware provisioning to backups and monitoring.
  2. Resource Allocation: Virtualization technology simplifies resource allocation with just a few clicks. Users can have their entire infrastructure operational within hours and easily customize it at any time.
  3. Resource Isolation: A crucial aspect of cloud virtualization is resource isolation, which allows applications to operate in a dedicated environment. This feature helps prevent data breaches and ensures optimal resource utilization.
  4. Load Balancing: Load balancers manage servers' request loads in virtualization platforms by ensuring that incoming requests are routed efficiently to the appropriate servers. This arrangement ensures faster response times by preventing server congestion.
  5. Portability: Virtualized resources are portable, meaning they can be copied and moved between systems while maintaining their functionality. The infrastructure setup can be developed and reused rather than having to be recreated every time.

Types of Virtualizations

There are many variants available under virtualization technology some of them are listed below:

  1. Application Virtualization

Application virtualization allows end-users to remotely access applications through a server containing all the necessary personal information and application configurations. This technology enables users to run two separate instances of the same application, offering options such as packaged software or hosted applications. The server is accessible via the internet and operates on a local workstation.

  1. Network Virtualization

Network virtualization enables multiple virtual networks, each with its own control and data plane, to operate atop a physical network infrastructure. These virtual networks can be managed independently of one another by their respective administrators. Network virtualization simplifies the creation and management of various network components, including switches, firewalls, routers, load balancers, and security protocols.

  1. Desktop Virtualization

Desktop virtualization stores end-user operating systems remotely on servers or data centers, allowing users to access their desktops from any location using different devices. This technology gives users the flexibility to work with multiple operating systems based on their business needs, providing portability, mobility, and simplified software administration through updates and patches.

  1. Storage Virtualization

Storage virtualization offers solutions that streamline storage management by consolidating access to multiple storage sources from a single interface. This approach ensures consistent performance while facilitating ongoing updates and patches for advanced features. Additionally, it helps manage changes in underlying storage devices.

  1. Server Virtualization

Server virtualization employs server masking by partitioning a primary server into several virtual servers with constantly changing identity numbers and processors. Each server can operate its own independent operating system, maximizing resource utilization.

  1. Data Virtualization

Data virtualization sources and consolidates data from multiple locations, managing it from a single central point. This method abstracts the technical details of data storage and format, enabling seamless integration and simplified data management.

How does virtualization work in cloud computing?

Virtualization is very significant in cloud computing technology. Normally, in cloud computing, users share the data present in the clouds such as applications, but with virtualization, users share the infrastructure.

The main application of Virtualization Technology is to provide standard versions of applications to their cloud users. For example, if the next version of that application is released, the cloud provider must provide the latest version to their cloud users, which is not practical because it is more expensive.

To solve this issue, we employ virtualization technologies. All servers and software applications required by other cloud providers are maintained by third-party persons utilizing virtualization, and the cloud providers must pay the money on a monthly or annual basis.


In conclusion, the benefits of virtualization in cloud computing has been revolutionary the way we utilize and manage resources. By abstracting physical hardware and creating virtual environments, virtualization enables greater flexibility, scalability, and efficiency in cloud computing.

Through virtualization, multiple virtual machines can run on a single physical server, allowing for better resource utilization and cost savings. This technology has paved the way for the rapid growth of cloud computing by enabling the creation of scalable and customizable infrastructure.

Overall, virtualization is an essential component of cloud computing that empowers businesses to optimize their resources, improve operational efficiency, and achieve greater agility. As the demand for cloud services continues to grow, understanding the concept of virtualization will be increasingly important for organizations looking to leverage the full potential of cloud computing.