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How manufacturers can mitigate mobile phishing risks and accelerate innovation

As your manufacturing organization transforms to Industry 4.0, mobile and cloud remain strategic for reinventing your operations. Not surprisingly, malicious actors have taken note of how reliant we all are on mobile devices. From their perspective, mobile phishing is often the cheapest way to compromise an individual or a manufacturing operation.

The Spectrum of Mobile Risk

The time has come for enterprise risk management to change. Mobile devices have become core to our personal and professional lives, yet most enterprises remain focused on traditional PC endpoints. Although many of the same elements of risk that affect PCs also apply to mobile endpoints, simply extending current PC security controls to your mobile fleet is ineffective. Enterprise risk management needs to evolve to address mobile risks, and security professionals must architect mobile-specific security.

Why proactive mobile app defense is a must-have for financial services

Consumer financial institutions are in the midst of a digital transformation that includes moving traditional face-to-face customer interactions to mobile devices. Forty-three percent of people who own a mobile device and have a bank account use mobile banking, according to a Federal Reserve study titled, "Consumers and Mobile Financial Services." Mobile banking creates unprecedented conveniences for customers, such as mobile check deposits, near-instant person-to-person transfers, and access to personal financial accounts in real time.