Trustwave: Stop Ransomware Before It Stops You

Trustwave: Stop Ransomware Before It Stops You


Ransomware is simple, vulnerability management is not.

It’s commonly known that ransomware enters an environment through phishing, malicious documents, password guessing, and exploiting vulnerabilities, so why are organizations still falling prey to these known tactics?

Modern organizations are often highly nuanced with various networks, locations, clouds, etc., making it difficult to maintain a consistent vulnerability management program across multiple environments. Director of Trustwave SpiderLabs EMEA, Ed Williams, will discuss the hidden vulnerabilities that most often lead to exploitation and how to detect them before they cause damage.

Vulnerability management and penetration testing are the foundation to defending against bad actors enabling organizations to reduce their vulnerabilities and risk of being targeted for an attack. Tune in for expert insight on how to:

  • Recognize ransomware
  • Reduce risk in your environment
  • Combat legacy issues