ManageEngine: Simplify network performance monitoring with OpManager: Monitoring network performance

ManageEngine: Simplify network performance monitoring with OpManager: Monitoring network performance


Attend our free training on OpManager and learn tips, tricks and hacks to improve your network performance. This four-part training covers network monitoring and management across OpManager's different modules. Get to know OpManager better and gain greater control over your IT infrastructure.

Monitoring servers is an all-time high priority task for network admins. OpManager monitors different type of servers for availability, health, and performance. It also monitors windows services, process, website URLs, files and folders.


  • Monitoring device availability: Learn how to monitor the availability of network devices that are ping-able or SNMP enabled.
  • Monitoring network performance: Learn how to monitor the performance metrics of the devices.
  • Monitoring virtual server performance: Learn how to monitor the virtual server performance metrics of the devices.
  • Creating Custom WMI monitors: Learn how to create custom WMI monitors.
  • Script monitoring: Learn how to create scripts to monitor performance metrics that are not available in the OID.
  • Troubleshooting tips: Learn different troubleshooting tips with ease.