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July 2022

What is SCITT and how does RKVST help?

SCITT in the information security context stands for “Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency, and Trust”. It’s a relatively young discipline and the dust is still settling over its scope and definition but the core is very simple: risk vests in the operator of equipment, but it originates at every point in the supply chain.

RKVST (Jitsuin) SCITT Demo from 2019

Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency, and Trust... all in one platform. A little throw-back here...all the way to 2019! SCITT is a hot area right now in 2022 but this is what we've been doing since the beginning. We were even still called Jitsuin :-) This is a very quick run through how making supply chain evidence available to all authorised partners in a supply chain as quickly as possible with Provenance, Governance, and Immutability guarantees can boost trust, reduce risk, and speed operations.