Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2024

Improving Security with Wallarm's NIST CSF 2.0 Dashboard

Ensuring the security of web applications and APIs is more critical than ever. With threats becoming increasingly prevalent and sophisticated, organizations need to employ comprehensive security measures to protect their digital assets. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0 stands at the forefront of these efforts, offering a structured approach to managing cybersecurity risks.

Blocking Compromised Tokens with Wallarm

In our Annual API ThreatStats report, we highlighted the increasing threat of API Leaks. An API Leak is the disclosure of sensitive API information, such as a token, credential, or private schema. These leaks can occur directly via the API itself, but also via third party tools used to manage source code, such as Github or Postman. API Leaks came in at number 4 in our dynamic top 10 list of API Security issues.

Wallarm's Crusade Against Rising Credential Stuffing Threats

Credential Stuffing, a vital yet often overlooked aspect of cybersecurity, needs to be addressed with urgency. An alarmingly large segment of the population engages in the risky habit of using the same password for various accounts. This behavior parallels the risk of using a universal key for various locks in your life, such as those for your home, car, or even hotel rooms during vacations.