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June 2023

How we think about Zero Trust Performance

Cloudflare has done several deep dives into Zero Trust performance in 2023 alone: one in January, one in March, and one for Speed Week. In each of them, we outline a series of tests we perform and then show that we’re the fastest. While some may think that this is a marketing stunt, it’s not: the tests we devised aren’t necessarily built to make us look the best, our network makes us look the best when we run the tests.

Spotlight on Zero Trust: We're fastest and here's the proof

In January and in March we posted blogs outlining how Cloudflare performed against others in Zero Trust. The conclusion in both cases was that Cloudflare was faster than Zscaler and Netskope in a variety of Zero Trust scenarios. For Speed Week, we’re bringing back these tests and upping the ante: we’re testing more providers against more public Internet endpoints in more regions than we have in the past.

Protecting GraphQL APIs from malicious queries

Starting today, Cloudflare’s API Gateway can protect GraphQL APIs against malicious requests that may cause a denial of service to the origin. In particular, API Gateway will now protect against two of the most common GraphQL abuse vectors: deeply nested queries and queries that request more information than they should.