Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2022

SLSA: A Novel Framework For Secure Software Supply Chains

The software supply chain indicates the formal workflow of how your software moves through the coding stages done by the developers to the final packages for the end-users. When an attacker breaks in between the process and modifies the source code with malicious ones, it is known as an attack on the software supply chain. Software supply chain attacks are challenging to discover and mitigate if you do not have the proper verification and trail-tracking system, especially for large industries.

What is a Dependency Firewall? What, Why and How?

In recent years more open source vulnerabilities have been discovered than ever before. This is all part of the natural evolution; it’s what we expect to see as the amount of open source usage grows within organizations. But there’s something that we missed in this equation: while identifying vulnerabilities, organizations haven’t found a way to block unwanted dependencies, which made them vulnerable to attacks like never before.