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February 2023

Checking In For Disaster: Credential Phishing Campaign Targeting the Hospitality Industry

Since late December 2022, the ThreatSpike team has noticed a significant rise in highly targeted phishing campaigns aimed at the hospitality sector, which distribute infostealer malware. The threat actors (TAs) are primarily targeting front desk and reception staff, as they are responsible for handling customer queries via a generic email that can easily be found on the company website.

Redline Infostealer Analysis (Part 2)

Redline infostealer gathers information and steals high value data from an infected machine. The Redline infostealer is considered one of the most dangerous malware currently being used in the wild and has been used in countless trojanized software, applications, games and cracked software. In addition to data exfiltration, Redline also has the capability to connect to a command and control (C2) server to download, upload files as well as perform remote commands.