When you browse the web, use social media, or shop online, you probably don’t think about how your personal information is being safeguarded. However, with so many cyberattacks hitting the news on a frequent basis, this is something that should concern you. You see, hackers can gain access to your personal information if it isn’t properly encrypted and safeguarded. Thankfully, cryptography is here to save the day.
Across the globe, we are all now always connected. People now share, upload, and download information from their phones or computers. Cloud-based storage has become incredibly popular because everything is accessible. And with multiple devices synced, you'll never have to worry about forgetting a file again. However, it's not without risks. If someone gets access to your account credentials, they could potentially view all your data stored in the cloud.
As an employer, you have both a moral and legal obligation to shore up sensitive information about your employees. Sensitive information includes genetic and biometric data, medical records, SNNs (social security numbers), and criminal history records, just to name a few. Fail to do so, and you will open yourself up to loads of risk. Hackers are constantly on the hunt for applicant and employee data that they can further sell on the dark web or use to perpetrate fraud.