Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2022

Improving Information Security in the Age of Remote Work

Remote work has become popular among employees. 74% of workers say they would be less inclined to leave a company if they could work from home. No commuting, better work-life balance, greater flexibility, and increased motivation attract employees to telecommuting. Although companies offer remote work, data security concerns them. Employees might use unsecured wifi networks, leave their computers and laptops unattended, or carry confidential documents to public locations.

5 Common Cybersecurity Mistakes You Can Easily Prevent

A comprehensive organizational strategy and robust company security policy are crucial for effective cybersecurity. A company needs to make a concerted effort to design, execute, and follow through with a plan to deal with cyber-risk management from top to bottom. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for the needs of enterprises in managing cyber risk. But in order to maintain strong system security in the face of constant threats, there are some core principles that every company should follow.

Is Cybersecurity Hard? The Basics Made Easy To Understand

Being online means that we are constantly interacting with others and sharing information across borders. It also means that Google is tracking you. This virtual international travel creates countless opportunities for cybercriminals to access our personal data. If you dive into how the internet works and how to protect your privacy, you’ll start to hear the word cybersecurity a lot. But what is cybersecurity exactly? Is cybersecurity hard?