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June 2022

11 Questions You Should Ask About Your Cloud Security

The world is becoming more digital with each passing day. Many companies are trying to transition to an online or to a hybrid system, where they can offer flexibility and autonomy to employees and have a more efficient way of managing their day-to-day operations. The digital transformation to the online world requires businesses to invest in cloud computing and cloud security software.

How To Identify and Stop a Phishing Attack

Phishing is a real problem. One that can wreak havoc on your digital and financial life. Here, we’ll look at different ways we can identify a phishing scam and stop it in its tracks. Phishing is the practice of sending emails (or other messages) with the intent to make the recipient believe it’s from a certain company or individual.

What Are Web Cookies? The Privacy and Security Risks of Internet Cookies

This article has nothing to do with chocolate chips or sprinkles. Sorry about that. Instead, we're talking about computer cookies and how too many web cookies can be bad for your online health. While cookies are enormously helpful and necessary for an easy-going web experience, they are not all good, and many pose some genuine privacy concerns. But what is a cookie, how does one work, and how do they (sometimes) infringe on your digital rights?