Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2022

How to Protect Your Emails: 8 Best Gmail Account Security Tips

Have you ever had your Gmail account hacked? If not, you’re lucky. But it happens, 1 out of 4200 emails sent in 2020 was a phishing activity. Considering that 306 billion emails were sent in the same year, it means a whopping 72 million were phishing-related. Keeping your Gmail secure isn’t a request anymore. You don’t want anyone to access your personal information or compromise important company conversations and files.

Cybersecurity Measures Every Project Manager Should Know About

Online projects could be easy prey for cybercriminals due to the involvement of critical security information (emails, different platforms' login passwords, bank accounts, etc.) and multiple people. A simple phishing email requesting new login credentials or bank account details could be effective on negligent team members and could put everybody at risk. In other words, any breach of information by a project team member could lead to a disaster for the parties involved.

What is SaaS Cloud Security and What Are SaaS Security Best Practices?

Software-as-a-service or SaaS has taken the business world by storm. With enormous benefits and features, it is no surprise that the SaaS industry has increased by 500% over the past seven years only. However, like any other technology, it carries a significant risk of data breaches. Do you know that encryption worries are the biggest SaaS-related security concerns for businesses?

7 Important Things to Include in Your Company Security Policy

We live in risky times. Security incidents and data breaches are more common than ever and digital-minded companies usually bear the brunt of it. Organizations are constantly at risk and can be compromised in no time by ransomware, cyberattacks, social engineering, and corporate espionage. But, in truth, the most common way companies are undermined and infiltrated is through the actions of individual members inside of the organization itself.