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May 2022

Top Challenges Faced in the Current Cyber Security Industry

Protecting devices, data, or systems from cyber threats is what cyber security is all about. These cyber-attacks are usually aimed at gaining access to, destroying, or stealing sensitive data, or consumers’ money and disrupting online transactions and business operations. Implementing an effective cyber security system is critical, as the task has grown increasingly difficult.

How to Protect Yourself and Detect Credit Card Fraud?

Most companies are unconcerned about credit card theft until it happens to them. If you sell online or by e-mail, your company is more likely to go bankrupt owing to fraudulent credit card orders. Given the increased reliance on plastic money, credit card theft is extremely damaging. Even consumers, fail to take basic precautions to avoid credit card theft.

Cybersecurity Best Practices for Small Organizations

Cyber security is an important aspect and an integral part of any online business. The layperson has little idea of what threats exist and how to protect against them. And yet, if you own a business you are almost definitely vulnerable to cyber security threats. You don’t need to be a Fortune 500 company to protect against them. By knowing what to do, you can keep your data secure and avoid breaches.

How Should Employees Be Trained for Cyber Security?

Cyber security risks have never been more apparent and costly. According to the survey data, the average cost to the U.S. organizations that experienced a cybersecurity breach in 2020 was approximately 8.64 million dollars per incident, up almost a half-million dollars from 2019. Rates of cyber security attacks and identity theft have significantly increased and seem to be only becoming easier for hackers and cybercriminals.