Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2022

Complacency is Your Biggest Data Breach Risk: 5 Steps to Avoid It

Cyberattacks are still big business and on the rise. Despite substantial increases in cybersecurity spending, many businesses aren’t taking enough action to mitigate their risks. While a significant data breach in itself is a scary concept, the costs of inaction and the subsequent charges associated with investigations, penalty fines and reputational damage should worry you even more.

Encrypting SharePoint List Columns

There are many ways to share data in SharePoint, including lists. A SharePoint list is a collection of data that a user can share with other users to whom they have permitted access. A variety of default list templates are provided in SharePoint to allow for easier set-up. Users can also import such lists (usually in CSV format) from other applications.

4 Steps for Defining Data Classification Levels and Policies

Data classification is an important business process. It makes it easier to apply data protection, helps employees understand what data is sensitive, and, importantly, which data can be made public. Unfortunately, many organizations provide employees with access to far more data than is needed. The oversharing of information with employees is a huge security risk.