Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2022

How to Use SIEM Tools in the Modern World

In our highly connected world, organizations of all sizes need to be alert to the risk of cyberattacks. The genuine threats to today’s enterprises include data leaks, ransomware, and theft of commercial secrets or funds, with the potential for severe financial and reputational damage. Investing in tools to monitor your systems and alert you to suspicious activity as early as possible is vital for strengthening your security posture.

What is a Security Whitelist?

In April 2022 alone, there were 14.3m records breached due to 80 significant security incidents. These incidents make up a complex, shifting landscape of cyberattacks that require increasingly sophisticated defenses. While many of our methods are becoming more complex, some of our mechanisms are timeless, like the security whitelist. Also called an “allow list,” the security whitelist defines the permitted actions and blocks everything else.