Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2020

Security in Go Modules and Vulnerabilities in GoCenter at GoSF Meetup in San Francisco

Deep Datta from the JFrog Community Team shares his learnings about Go 1.13 introducing important security features to Go Modules including a checksumdb. He explains how this works and provides information on other tools in GoCenter that keep modules secure include vulnerability scanning and Jfrog Xray.

DevSecOps Best Practices with JFrog Xray

JFrog builds security products that enable organizations to trust their pipeline from development to deployment and production. In this webinar, you will learn how to leverage JFrog Xray to achieve radical transparency of the binary components in your data center. Understand the impact of these components on production system quality, performance, and architectural changes. We will also cover security topics such as circle of trust, security between locations, security replication, access tokens, and auditing.