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November 2021

Holiday phishing season: Your guide to staying scam-safe

For many of us, the Thanksgiving and Christmas period is a chance for some well-deserved downtime. For cybercriminals, not so much. The holiday season is one of the most productive time of the year for the Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) industry. Online retail sales spike around holidays, creating more opportunities to catch people out with phishing emails and spoofed websites.

FBI email hack highlights danger of account takeover

On Saturday November 13th, hundreds of thousands of recipients received an email from the FBI with the subject line of “Urgent: Threat actor in systems.” Thankfully for the recipients, it turned out the threat described in these emails wasn’t real as, unfortunately, the FBI had suffered an external email breach resulting in fake warning messages being sent out.

First ransomware, now killware. Can it be stopped?

Ransomware has quite rightly been one of biggest ongoing stories of 2021 – and not just in the world of cybersecurity. The biggest ransomware cases where major companies have been forced to a halt until they pay a ransom have made global, headline news. The impact to victim organizations is usually financial loss and reputational damage. However, in cases such as the Colonial Pipelines attack, ransomware has caused real-world impacts on the general public too.