Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2022

Ekran System Provides New Report Customization Opportunities for Microsoft Power BI Users

Ekran System is glad to announce new capabilities for integrating with Microsoft Power BI that will help you simplify data processing and visualization. Since the majority of our customers use Microsoft Power BI to visualize data, optimizing the Ekran System API for working with this tool was a top priority for us. Now, you can easily and quickly export your monitoring data from Ekran System directly to a report template of your choice in Power BI.

4 Ways to Detect and Prevent Data Misuse

Rights and powers mean access to data. And sometimes, when an employee feels a lack of control, they can use the data they’ve been given access to for their own benefit. This misuse can threaten an organization’s data security or even lead to a data breach. Data misuse was in the top seven categories of threat actions in 2020 according to the Verizon 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). For organizations, data misuse may lead to costly lawsuits and loss of reputation.