Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2022

Securing the Hotel Industry from Cyber Threats: Pandemic Lessons and 8 Best Practices to Improve Data Protection

Cybersecurity threats have been a headache for the hospitality industry for many years. When the COVID-19 pandemic turned this industry upside down, attempts to stay in business put many hotels in an even riskier position in terms of security. For example, many organizations followed the example of hotels in Amsterdam that diversified their services and turned guest rooms into offices for remote employees. Such moves generated profit for the hotels but also created new vulnerabilities.

Privileged Account and Session Management: How To Deploy It

The more access rights an employee has, the more possibilities they have to misuse or abuse privileges. According to the ENISA Threat Landscape 2021 report, a third of surveyed organizations suffered from privilege abuse by insiders during the period from April 2020 through July 2021. That’s why establishing an appropriate level of privileged account management plays a significant role in ensuring your organization’s cybersecurity.