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August 2023

Securing Critical Infrastructures in Germany: Navigating KRITIS Regulation

Germany is widely acknowledged as one of the most technologically advanced nations. However, this prominence also implies a significant reliance on its critical infrastructures (KRITIS), which are essential to the smooth operation of the state and society. To safeguard these infrastructures, Germany has enacted new laws, IT Security Act 2.0 and KRITIS Regulation 2.0, that aim to improve the security of IT systems.

What the EU NIS2 Directive Is and How to Be NIS2 Compliant

In the dynamic and ever-shifting realm of cybersecurity, the Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (NIS2 Directive) has emerged as a cornerstone framework, designed to ensure the safety of critical network and information systems across the European Union. This recent directive, which has entered into force, holds considerable significance, casting far-reaching implications for diverse sectors and entities operating within the EU.