Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2022

Webinar: "I get paid to hack your company and these are the controls I hate most!"

Drawing on over three decades’ experience in penetration testing for global organisations of all sizes, this webinar outlines some of the most common attack methods in use today and shares effective approaches for tackling them. The session on will detail the most effective security controls to prevent and mitigate common types of cyber-attacks.

Q1 2022 Threat Landscape Briefing: Threat Actors Target Email for Access and Extortion

In Q1 2022, Kroll observed an 54% increase in phishing attacks being used for initial access when compared to Q4 2021. For the first time since the Microsoft Exchange vulnerabilities in Q1 2021, email compromise surpassed ransomware as the top threat incident type observed.