Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2022

New Kroll threat landscape report highlights persistent cyber threats

Created by threat intelligence specialists from Kroll and Redscan, the new report, Q4 2021 Threat Landscape: Software Exploits Abound, explores key insights and trends from over 3,200 cyber incidents handled worldwide in 2021. In early December 2021, Redscan’s analysis of the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), the Common Vulnerability Database (CVD) repository of the U.S.

A day in the life of a SOC analyst

SOC Analysts manage and monitor a range of detection technologies to identify, investigate and respond to threats, 24/7/365. But what does the role of a SOC Analyst actually involve day-to-day, what are the rewards and challenges of the job, and how do people get into it as a career? To find out more, we spoke with SOC Shift Lead, Anthony Howell.