Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2021

What are PECR? Securing electronic communications in line with the latest requirements

Any organisation that sends electronic marketing communications via phone, fax, email or text, uses web cookies, or provides communications services to the public falls under the PECR’s scope, and must be aware of its information security requirements.

SquirrelWaffle and MirrorBlast: what organisations need to know

Defending against loader-type malware is crucial to avoid a potential ransomware incident, given the fact that is the foothold of the attack kill-chain related to ransomware tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs). Two of the most recent malware loaders to emerge are SquirrelWaffle and MirrorBlast. While SquirrelWaffle delivers Cobalt Strike payloads to victims, MirrorBlast uses novel techniques to gather intelligence and drop malicious payloads onto devices.