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December 2024

Zero Trust in 2025: 5 Sensitive Areas to Prioritize

From external collaboration and compliance to key financial info and intellectual property, here are five areas that need Zero Trust as a priority. In mid 2024, Gartner research found that 63% of global organizations had fully or partially-implemented a Zero Trust strategy, but these strategies only covered a small portion of the organization’s environment and that many enterprises were still “not sure what the top practices are for Zero Trust implementations.”

3 Critical things DoD Contractors Need to know about CUI for CMMC 2.0

CMMC assessments began on 16 December. If you handle CUI, here’s 3 things you need to know for CMMC The CMMC final rule change is now live. On 16 December, certified third-party assessment organizations (C3PAOs) officially began assessing DoD contractors. Given the wide disparity between the number of assessment teams (~100) and members of the Defense Industrial Base looking for certification (~100,000), DoD contractors need to ensure they are assessment-ready asap.