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April 2022

The 10 Essential Checklist for a Successful EDRM Implementation

While EDRM is the only solution available to solve the security problems of unstructured data, oftentimes the term EDRM itself is the most dreaded one for many organizations. This is because many EDRM projects have failed miserably. These projects have failed because of overzealous policies, loss of control over the policies, and no proper implementation guidelines. This oftentimes leads to access being denied to those who are authorized to have access.

Adjusting to New Cybersecurity Regulations in 2022

Cybersecurity is a leading concern for businesses in 2022. As organizations have embraced rapid digitization, cybercrime rose alongside it, quickly illuminating how many security standards fall short. It also became evident how cybersecurity regulations need to expand to address today’s challenges. Here’s a closer look at how this regulatory landscape is shifting, why, and what businesses can do in response.

How SecurityBridge & SECUDE offer additional layer of Data Security for SAP data

For many years, it’s been said that data is the new oil. This means that data rich companies could well be more successful than their competitors. Data and information are like fuel for companies since both are needed for ongoing business transactions and innovation. Companies can only win the race against their competitors if they are not losing this fuel, meaning they must keep data secure at all times and anywhere.

Do you use a Zero Trust Strategy when you relocate your sensitive files to another location?

We are all too familiar with the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. Amidst this crisis, the deputy chief of Ukraine’s state service of special communications and information protection Victor Zhora quoted that his department was planning for a contingency to be ready for any Russian threat to seize sensitive government documents.