Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2022

Overwhelmed: why SOAR solutions are a game changer

Cybersecurity presents an ever-escalating challenge for most C-level executives. As the average cost of a data breach continues to grow, the sheer volume of attacks threatens to overwhelm resource-strapped IT organizations. In response, many executives are looking to AI-enabled SOAR solutions (Security Orchestration Automation and Response) to help shorten threat response times, optimize high-value security personnel, and reduce overall business risk.

Cloud-native SOAR and SIEM solutions pave the road to the modern SOC

The ever-evolving cyber threat landscape gives birth to new, unprecedented cyberattacks that challenge traditional cybersecurity approaches and force security operations centers (SOCs) to evolve and redefine their methods. To ensure that the integrity of their data is well-protected, SOCs have to be one step ahead of malicious actors. Ergo, the necessity of creating the modern SOC comes into play.