Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2020

What is typosquatting?

Hackers and cyber criminals have evolved social engineering tactics to trick unsuspecting individuals into divulging private information or valuable credentials. One such evolving tactic is typosquatting, a form of social engineering attack that tries to lure users into visiting malicious websites with URLs that are common misspellings of legitimate sites.

Travelex Still Offline Following Ransomware Attack

Not only have Global banks stopped customers transacting or ordering currency from Travelex, many have stopped transactions with third party currency providers altogether. Lloyd’s, Royal Bank of Scotland, Tesco and Sainsbury’s all receive their currency from Travelex. It has been reported by Travelex that no customer data has been compromised although no report has been publicly provided to explain how this has been determined.