Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2022

Rise of AI-Generated, Fake LinkedIn Profiles Raises Social Engineering Challenges

The nature of LinkedIn’s professional environment facilitates communication among individuals from various backgrounds across industries. However, threat actors have been known to exploit the business networking platform for malicious aims, including intelligence gathering, identity theft and spear phishing. A number of fake profiles identified on the site have been observed targeting individuals in diverse sectors, particularly those with roles in government, cyber security and education.

New M365 Business Email Compromise Attacks with Rclone

Rclone is a data syncing tool often used by threat actors to exfiltrate data during a ransomware attack. Typically, the actors deploy Rclone after gaining remote access to the victim’s network. However, recently, Kroll experts have noted the use of Rclone in M365, using credentials stolen through network compromises or phishing attacks with minimal privileges to stealthily exfiltrate large amounts of SharePoint/OneDrive data.