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December 2020

Weekly Cyber Security News 18/12/2020

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24 What an interesting week. I’m going to skip the issues over SolarWind breach and go for the usual non-sensationalist articles. The first, and one I so welcome along with many out there I’m sure is the final, and I mean final end of Flash. Yay.

What is the best way to protect my PHP code?

The simple answer is to use a compiled code tool and implement as many security features as possible, but sometimes time can be a factor and other matters take precedence so less time goes into security. If your code is valuable then you really should spend time adding more layers of code protection (obfuscation, script licensing, encryption) and there is one feature in particular which sets ionCube apart from other tools, offers advanced protection for your PHP code and is fairly quick to setup.