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March 2020

Weekly Cyber Security News 27/03/2020

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. With all the wild stuff going on right now, and I don’t know if it’s cabin fever causing regression, but I seem to home in on some almost retro items of news this week. The first, not so much that they were hit by a card skimmer, more that I didn’t realise they were still with us.

Weekly Cyber Security News 20/03/2020

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. As many of us resort to working from home, the collaboration services we normally rely on are beginning to suffer. MS Teams, as well as Facebook and WhatsApp are experiencing unusual load. But apart from a the odd glitch things seem to be hanging on for now.

Weekly Cyber Security News 06/03/2020

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. I have a great weird and wonderful selection for you this week. OK, I could have just opted for the usual major breaches and boy, don’t we have a few of those? No, instead some really odd geeky and perhaps quite pointless ones caught my attention. First is a look at air craft hacking.