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June 2019

Weekly Cyber Security News 28/06/2019

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. Here we are again, another week and another S3 leak. I really don’t understand how this keeps happening. Either its sloppy admin or people with no technical (or security) understanding is being let loose on a complex cloud service – both are not great. You would hope that when you call in experts to help with a problem, you are dealing with someone responsible.

Weekly Cyber Security News 14/06/2019

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. Privacy is understandably a concern for all, and for those that are not that bothered and opt-in to give it away, I’m sure they assume it is for monitoring of their activities online. However, in this enterprising case, it appears to go beyond the virtual to physical and not where you would suspect…