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October 2018

Do I need to Fear My Toaster?

My mobile phone tells me my doorbell is ringing. Sweet. Of course I can hear the doorbell, but that’s not the point is it? Do I need my microwave oven to tell me by text something is cooked? No. Not sure if I can trust it that far, and of course I need to put the food in to start with so I know it won’t take long. I’m also hungry and eager to eat so I’m not going to wander off – certainly not to the shops for half and hour.

Weekly Cyber Security News 05/10/2018

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. Development frameworks are wonderful, can’t disagree there, they do make life easier by taking away tedious process. Obviously their increased complexity in hiding this tedium from the dev means debugging can be tricky at times. So they often included some quite revealing debug modes that can help…. Only that they really are for the eyes of the dev and not the public.