Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2023

Best practices for detecting and evaluating emerging vulnerabilities

Identifying and evaluating security vulnerabilities is essential at every stage of software development and system management. New vulnerabilities surface all the time, demanding ongoing vigilance as well as effective methods of assessment and response. And recent data shows that this is increasingly the case.

Gain visibility into open source vulnerabilities with Datadog Application Risk Management

Open source libraries have become an indispensable part of modern applications. Approximately 90% of organizations use open source software to support their services, but monitoring these dependencies can be difficult when environments run thousands of ephemeral services. The complex nature of modern applications, in combination with the challenge of keeping a competitive edge in a fast-moving market, can make it difficult for organizations to identify and remediate threats in a timely manner.

Block attackers in your apps and APIs with Datadog Application Security Management

Securing modern-day production systems is complex and requires a variety of measures—from secure coding practices and security testing to network protection and vulnerability scanning. Scaling these solutions to keep pace with the speed of development teams can be difficult, resulting in sprawling workflows and disparate sets of tooling.

Best practices for data security in cloud-native infrastructure

So far in this series, we’ve looked at the importance of securing an organization’s network, application components, and the endpoints that support them. In this post, we’ll look at the following best practices for protecting the different types of data that flow through these components. But first, we’ll look at how modern applications process and manage data, as well as common weaknesses and security threats to these systems.