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May 2021

Cyber Insurance: Insuring the Intangible

Whichever way you look at it, the talk around cyber has been gathering steam. Plenty of commentators on the insurance market have predicted that 2021 will be the year that cyber insurance comes into its own. Cyber risks are constantly shifting and personal and commercial insurance is fast becoming a must-have. However, it’s hard to draw the line between the two as remote working becomes more common so insurers are finding it difficult to write cyber in a general sense. Demand won’t drop off though. Nor will the threats.

7 Key Elements to Building a Compliance Program

As cybercriminals continue to evolve their threat methodologies, industry standards and governments have revised their compliance programs and audit criteria. Regulators and auditors have increasingly begun requiring organizations to mature their programs in order to ensure continuous monitoring as well as senior management and board-level oversight.