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January 2022

How About a Magic Trick? A New Jester In Court

Over the past months, Cyberint Research Team observed a new group that emerged on several underground forums. What seemed to be “yet another info stealer seller” has turned out to be something far more interesting. As the group is named Jester Stealer, that were, at first, selling a fairly sophisticated info stealer (Figure 1). Other evidence suggests that there is much more to it. Cyberint Research Team discovered a developing threat group that gets their claws into whatever they can find.

2022 Cybersecurity Predictions

Moving into 2022, looking back at the plentiful year of 2021, regarding security, we at the Cyberint Research Team will try and shed some light on the upcoming year: the key security risks and threats, and what we feel will change in the coming year. We will focus on the actions required to be as vigilant and protected as possible.