Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2021

Data protection and the Age-Appropriate Design Code

A 2019 report by Ofcom shows that 50% of ten-year olds own mobile phones. While viewing of video-on-demand (with YouTube as firm favourite), has doubled in the last five years among children. Platforms like TikTok are rapidly growing in popularity. Sadly, more and more children are being exposed to hateful, violent and disturbing contents on these platforms.

5 reasons why you need Cyber Essentials

If we told you that certifying with Cyber Essentials was a simple but effective way to protect yourself from up to 80% of common cyber attack methods, wouldn’t that alone be enough to convince you it’s worth it? The Cyber Essentials scheme is a Government backed certification standard that enforces 5 key technical controls. By following these controls, you create an essential security baseline to protect your business from everyday cyber threats.