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June 2020

GDPR 2 years on - key takeaways and lessons learnt

GDPR recently breezed past its second birthday and, like many two-year-olds, continues to cause concern and confusion for those who have to deal with it. Unlike real two-year-olds, however, GDPR is quite clear in what it demands and there could be big consequences if they are not met. For businesses, failure to meet GDPR’s requirements represents an increased risk of data breaches and the reputational damage and legal repercussions that breaches inevitably lead to.

SMEs and the cyber security challenge

EasyJet, CapitalOne, British Airways and Marriott are all huge companies with equally large budgets. Another thing they have in common is they all fell victim to a serious data breach, costing them hundreds of millions of pounds. If the major players with a lot of resources to devote to cyber security still get hacked, do SMEs with limited budgets stand a chance? It’s a dramatic question, so let’s explore the answer.