Why We Collect ~70B Security Issues/Week

Why We Collect ~70B Security Issues/Week

At SecurityScorecard, we're collecting close to 70 billion security issues per week.

Here's how: Worldwide data collection

Our goal is to non-intrusively pick up enough data signals from every company worldwide to form an opinion on their cyber hygiene and vulnerability. Malware Sinkholing

Working with law enforcement, our R&D team is

  • detecting criminals who infect organizations using malware infrastructure.
  • participating in the takedown of that infrastructure. Monitoring the darknet

Our security analysts are looking at the underground criminal communication for poor patching cadence and hygiene indicators.

We're collecting more data than any security rating company, making our dataset the most comprehensive and expansive in the industry.

This dataset contributes to our mission of making the world a safer place.

You find a website link in the end where you see all numbers.

Let me know if you want to know more about it.


Link from the numbers: https://trust.securityscorecard.com

SecurityScorecard is the global leader in cybersecurity ratings and the only
service with over 12 million companies continuously rated. The company is headquartered in New York and operates in 64 countries around the globe.

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