Tigera: Microsoft Azure: Visualizing and troubleshooting AKS workload connectivity and network policy issues

Tigera: Microsoft Azure: Visualizing and troubleshooting AKS workload connectivity and network policy issues


Attend this in-depth, hands-on container networking and security workshop with Calico and Microsoft Azure experts to get insights into Kubernetes cluster traffic, workload interactions, and network policy enforcement. The 90-minute interactive lab comes with your own provisioned Calico Cloud environment and a sample application.

This workshop is designed to provide hands-on experience for you to:

  • View service-to-service communication to assess security risk from external threats
  • Analyze and fix network security policy gaps within the cluster
  • Detect and prevent anomalous behaviors such as attempts to access restricted URLs
  • Implement network policies in runtime to mitigate risk based on vulnerabilities found in build time
  • Troubleshoot application downtime and network-based threats

We have limited the number of participants for this workshop to ensure that each participant can receive adequate attention.