Tigera: Microsoft AKS Security Bootcamp: Visualize cluster traffic and identify security gaps

Tigera: Microsoft AKS Security Bootcamp: Visualize cluster traffic and identify security gaps


Attend this in-depth, hands-on security workshop with Calico and Microsoft Azure experts to get insights into Kubernetes cluster traffic, workload interactions, and security policy enforcement. The 90-minute interactive lab comes with your own provisioned Calico Cloud environment and a sample application.

This workshop is designed to provide hands-on experience for you to:

  • View service-to-service communication to assess security risk from network-based threats
  • Get alerts for malware present in workloads
  • Quarantine workloads to prevent the lateral movement of the threat
  • Detect and prevent anomalous behaviors such as attempts to access restricted URLs
  • Build and enforce security policy to stop command and control attack

We have limited the number of participants for this workshop to ensure that each participant can receive adequate attention. Register now to reserve your spot!