Tigera: AWS Dev Days: Hands-on EKS workshop - Configuration Security and Compliance

Tigera: AWS Dev Days: Hands-on EKS workshop - Configuration Security and Compliance


In this EKS-focused workshop, you will work with AWS and Calico experts to learn how to design and deploy best practices to secure your Kubernetes environment and achieve compliance with regulatory frameworks including but not limited to PCI, SOC2 and GDPR. This 90-minute hands-on lab comes with your own provisioned Calico Cloud and a sample app environment and is designed to help implement:

• Configuration security including Kubernetes Security Posture Management (KSPM)

• Security policies for compliance

• Compliance, evidence, and audit reporting (PCI, SOC 2, and CIS benchmarks)

You will come away from this workshop with an understanding of how others in your industry are securing and observing cloud-native applications in AWS, along with best practices that you can implement in your own organization.

We have limited the number of participants for this workshop to ensure that each participant can receive adequate attention.

Register now to reserve your spot!