Tigera: Amazon EKS Security Bootcamp: Configure security posture of workloads & EKS cluster

Tigera: Amazon EKS Security Bootcamp: Configure security posture of workloads & EKS cluster


Attend this in-depth, hands-on, Amazon EKS security workshop with Amazon AWS and Calico experts to learn how to strengthen your Amazon EKS cluster security posture in 90-min. This workshop shares best practices for using Calico to secure EKS clusters. The interactive session comes with your own provisioned Calico Cloud environment and a sample application.

You will leave this workshop with hands-on experience on how to:

  • Deploy Amazon EKS blueprint add-on of Calico Operator to roll out networking and security policies
  • Scan container images and block deployment of vulnerable images
  • Preview and enforce security policies to protect vulnerable workloads
  • Implement zero-trust workload access controls and microsegmentation for improved posture

We have limited the number of participants for this workshop to ensure that each participant can receive adequate attention.