Snyk in 30: AppSec

Snyk in 30: AppSec


In a world of evolving risks organizations need future-proof Application Security. Discover the seamless integration of the Snyk platform into the modern SDLC, empowering developers to build securely from the start, while giving security teams the ability to prioritize business-critical risk with complete visibility and comprehensive controls.

This live democast will cover:

  • How Snyk is designed for developers, integrating directly into the tools and workflows they use every day.
  • How automatic fix pull requests can help speed up remediation.
  • How to identify which application assets are being secured by Snyk in order to eliminate potential coverage gaps.
  • How Snyk provides AppSec teams with the ability to prioritize business-critical risk, visibility and governance throughout the SDLC.

Don't be left vulnerable: Join us and explore why a future-proof AppSec partner is essential in the face of emerging threats.