ManageEngine: Windows Security 101: Protecting business sensitive data with file system auditing
In today’s technology driven work climate, employees require quick and simple access to company data. Unfortunately, this race to meet with productivity standards and growing employee needs is impacting the security and safety of business critical data. File servers in the typical Windows environments act as a shared space where all users with access rights can contribute and take data as per requirement. But, this is just one side of the coin. Sensitive data is often lost, accessed, and misused by unauthorized users, the access permissions to data are illegally modified, and the native tools that audit and monitor sensitive data changes are not up to the required standard.
In this webinar, we'll discuss :
Effective methods to gain visibility and demystify the tangled web of permissions across file servers and identify the location of sensitive data by analyzing its content.
Configure auditing to centrally Track-Audit-Secure the business-critical file servers ( Windows File Servers, NetApp filers, EMC Servers, more) in a Windows Server Environment.
Detect, disrupt and respond to sensitive data leaks across endpoints via USB devices, emails, printers and more.