ManageEngine: Evolution of privileged access management: Serving modern enterprises' expanding use cases

ManageEngine: Evolution of privileged access management: Serving modern enterprises' expanding use cases


With digitalization continuing to grow popular in enterprises along with increasing interest in DevSecOps, cloud services, automation workflows, analytics, and other novel technologies, the focus of privileged access management (PAM) solutions has also shifted significantly. Today’s PAM strategies go beyond just managing privileged user accounts and provisioning secure remote access. They extend to securing diverse digital identities; controlling who accesses what, for what purpose, and for how long; managing DevOps secrets; and proactively preventing privilege misuse.

Tune in to this webinar featuring ManageEngine product expert Praveen Kumar and Forrester senior analyst Sean Ryan to learn how to build a holistic program to cater to the evolving use cases in the PAM arena. The key topics of discussion include:

  • The increase in the number and types of PAM users (human and machine) and use cases.
  • The dynamic and agile nature of managing privileged access.
  • Cloud-based PAM services gaining attention from the growing popularity of SaaS-based delivery.
  • Strategies to acknowledge emerging PAM use cases.