Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2020

How Escalating Privileges Can Shake your Enterprise Security

Privileged access rights are the gateway to critical systems and data. Providing users with elevated privileges is a standard practice, as employees sometimes need access to sensitive data to perform their jobs. At the same time, there’s always a risk of privilege misuse with the aim of industrial espionage or cyberattacks.

How To Build An Insider Threat Program

A functional insider threat program is a core part of any modern cybersecurity strategy. Having controls in place to prevent, detect, and remediate insider attacks and inadvertent data leaks is a necessity for any organization that strives to protect its sensitive data. A functional insider threat program is required by lots of regulations worldwide. For example, NISPOM Change 2 makes it obligatory for any subcontractor working with the US Department of Defense to implement an insider threat program. However, designing an insider threat program that is both effective and efficient can be hard.

5 Levels Of User Behavior Monitoring

User behavior monitoring is a new approach to insider threat prevention and detection. A lot of companies include a user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) solution in their insider threat program. Implementing such a program is obligatory to comply with a lot of industry standards (e.g. NIST, HIPAA, PCI DSS, etc.). However, each company is free to use any insider threat prevention tool that meets their needs.

How To Protect An Enterprise Database From An Admin

A system administrator is essential for almost any organization. Whether they're an in-house employee or a subcontractor, a system administrator plays a huge role in keeping your business operating continuously and smoothly and keeping it compliant with enterprise data protection requirements. System administrators have full control over the ins and outs of your database and, in many cases, over its underlying physical infrastructure. That's why you need to pay close attention to an admin's actions in order to protect a database. In this article, we discuss best practices and tools to do that.