Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2017

Allow is the New Block - 10 Requirements to Safely Say "Yes" to Shadow IT

Given the lack of visibility and control, what does the security team do about shadow IT? Do they take extreme security measures and try to block them using legacy security tools or do they allow their use and hope users stay secure from threats and don't leak sensitive data?

EU GDPR Cloud-Readiness and Compliance Checklist

The new set of European Union laws regarding personal data security in organisations, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), has passed and requires organisations be compliant by 2018. As organisations start taking action to comply with the GDPR within the deadline, one of the most difficult areas is the cloud.

Plugging 5 Big Security Gaps in Office 365

Many of Netskope's largest customers also happen to be some of the largest Microsoft Office 365 customers. From three of the five largest global retail organizations to five of the largest healthcare organizations in the US, and enterprises across multiple verticals in between, Netskope helps secure their Office 365 deployments.